Time to spin your biz some...

Words you’re actually stoked to put on the internet

Whether you wanna do the writing yourself or toss the pen my way,  count me in for the whole shebang.

Let's join forces and co-create some word magic together, shall we?

Heck ya, we shall

Look, You presumably didn’t start a business thinking “I can’t wait to spend hours a week writing words for the internet” or more accurately …worrying about writing words for the internet.

Those words? They're probably the ones your dreamy people need to hear


You’re holding yourself back, friend. And it’s time you recognize the value of those half-dreamed-up ideations, in-the-moment musings, and barely-thought-out stories…

But you get it. 

That’s the good stuff. The genuine words that’ll make your BRAND stand out from the rest of the crowd.

It’s easy to forget in this wild digital playground we call the internet, though… 

Here, it almost feels like every period and letter has a dollar sign or data point associated with it. And around every digital corner, humans are spouting about the latest algorithm hack, the next big platform, and the ever-persistent siren call to “scale.”

the pressure is no joke.

They’re portals into the hearts of others. Others we’ve never and might never meet. Windows into new perspectives, views, and understandings. Pathways into new depths of empathy.

Oh, and they’re FUN.

They have an uncapped potential to amaze, inspire and awe. To bring a tear to your eye. And a “how beautiful” to someone’s heart. To connect.

(And, yes, to sell.)

(But words DO have magic)

And if you’re not careful, words can lose their sense of magic. 

But in order to work their magic, they need to be written, and they need to actually be shared. And that's where the problem lies, isn't it?

And that, my dear friend, is where I come in.

How We Can work TOgether

"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.

"Writing is a spell, a charm to conjure and reconstruct reality."

"The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe."

"Behind every tale, there lies a spell, woven with words and whispered into the world by the writer." 

"To write is to freeze the moment, to capture a sliver of time, and to give it an everlasting, magical life."

I’ve been called a lot of things…


.. but my friends call me Laffy.

So you can call me Laffy. Or Steph. Whatever floats your boat. I’m a word-obsessed Canadian gal, creative copywriter, brand storyteller, and general lover of all things book wizardry, ink, caffeinated beverages, + “why not” adventures.  

My foray into making a living from writing words and mentoring rad humans to write their own started with a move to a tiny ass town in northern Canada, a certain well-known content creator, and a Google search.

It’s quite the story. If you like stories….

Obviously, take me to the story

I’m on a mission to get every biz owner out there confidently expressing their brand wherever and however suits them. 

I’m on a mission to get every biz owner out there confidently expressing themselves wherever and however suits them. 

Worried about algorithms? Pffftt. Algorithms change, dude. In my years as an ultra-nerdy word pro – studying the words, trial & erroring, wordsmithing for brands both très big and très small, and mentoring dozens of beautiful humans – here’s what I know…

To confidently MARKET your business and share your wordTHINGS™ without overthinking, you need to put your focus in these 3 places:



Define what it means to “Be You” as a personal brand & OWN THAT VOICE (YOUR VOICE!)


Commit to good ole’ patience to build real skills & real relationships (with real humans)

Define what it means to “Be You” as a personal brand & own your Voice



Commit to good ole’ patience to build real skills & real relationships (with real humans)

When you focus your marketing around building connections rather than transactions, people not only engage with your words & vibe with you – they invest in you. And it all gets wildly more fun from there.

And that’s how you give a big, giant finger to any and all algorithm changes in the future. 

So, whether you’re in your first couple years of business and want help finding the words for yourself or you’ve built the audience and want me to write the words for you, it has to start here, with some variation and combination of these 3 things.

Don’t worry, I’ll help.


Done-With-You Services

Ready to feel rad about writing the things for your business and pumped to (actually) post them on the internet?

90-Min WordThings™ Workshop

Turn your biggest messaging hurdle into a game plan & some of that oh-so-sweet "I've got this!" 

Learn More →

More-Than-Just-An-Audit WordThings™ Review

Fine-tune your words to reflect your true brand voice and connect with your dreamy people.

Learn More →

Inkspire Confidence 3-Month Mentorship 

Get clear on your brand's voice, confident in your writing skills, and consistent in pressing "post," "send," & "publish."

Learn More →

Weak In The Knees Client Feels


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"I've gained a lot of confidence to clearly articulate my offerings in a way that feels in alignment with my values.

Steph is a talented writer who will walk alongside you to coach and support you while entirely transforming your copy to ensure it's on brand and in alignment with your values - she is an instrumental part of your launch team! I was genuinely blown away by the support, time and care she offered.” 

- Holly Horne, Operational Strategy Specialist

“Steph provided me relief in knowing that my message was being cared for. Steph stood in for my ideal audience and asked the critical questions that allowed me to cut, edit, explain, or simplify.

Nearly every prospective client mentions the energy and connection they feel on my website and in my message. They know immediately that they are in the right place. You allowed my voice and energy to shine and connect with my aligned audience.”


“You helped me fine-tune my copy techniques, improve my social content and website through your brilliant insights and edits and empowered me with the confidence and skills to be a better writer. 

- Alex Stacey James, Leadership coach & Mentor

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“Without Steph I would have stopped myself from moving forward after the initial phase of my launch. I was so ready to pivot and play it safe and she gave me the fuel to keep going.

She is a master at mapping a plan. Even though we didn't follow the plan exactly, it acted like the security blanket I needed during my first ever product launch. And leaning into this resulted in more than doubling my initial enrollments, as well as multiple invitations for speaking engagements. Steph is like the cool aunt to the baby that is your project.

- Laura, Transformational Coach & Creator of The Irresistible Mind

“After working with Steph, I felt so much lighter, Steph helped clear the fog in my brain, she helped me really define What, Who and Why for my business branding. She helped me clearly define my target client, define what my message was and give me clear brand pillars for my social media content.”

- Rochelle, Holistic Life Coach and founder of The Mindful Eyes Movement

“The day I launched the single page copy for just my services I had 5 inquiries (previously I had zero) and also had people screenshot sections and tell me how much they loved it.

I now feel at ease and a little bit stoked to dive into writing Instagram captions and email newsletters. I feel like Steph has given me permission to be me and shown me how to translate it into words. Working with Steph was so exciting as she brought my own voice to life in a way I would never be able to do myself.”

- Chanel, Showit Web Designer For Wedding and Elopement Photographers

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Done-For-You Services 

Bespoke From-Scratch Copy Services

Done-For-You services that put your copy in the hands of someone who knows it's not just about putting words on a page; it's about capturing your brand's unique voice and turning it up to 11 so it speaks directly to those who matter, and you know…sells your sh*t.

Write My Copy

Weak In The Knees Client Feels


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“Working with Steph has been one of the BEST decisions I have made in my business.

I used to struggle MASSIVELY with copywriting and it used to really hinder my results when I would do a launch or if I was trying to sell a new product. But, since working with Steph, things have completely changed. She not only has incredible writing skills but she’s able to perfectly encapsulate my energy and my voice so that I still feel confident when I’m sending out emails that my audience is receiving what I want to say, rather than just a stock standard copy message.


“I generated over $4,000 in a single week with the emails Steph wrote for me promoting a $100 affiliate product. 

It was the smoothest sales week ever! I could take the entire week off during the promo, having scheduled the emails ahead of time to focus on my personal life. Working with Steph is one of the best decisions I've made in my business to date because not only has it led to a boost in my revenue, but the actual process of working with her is super enjoyable, relaxing, and personal. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

- Krista Dickson, Course & Launch Strategist

Steph has been the master behind huge 6 figure launches for my clients- she captures their voices so perfectly it’s as if it were them on the page.

“Copywriting is just not my wheelhouse- I love writing, but Steph just has a WAY with words that captures clients' voices so perfectly. She makes even a simple email full of passion, love and attention! 


The most recent email sequence created by Steph for a client launch resulted in so many pre-sales that the cart closed early! She handles all objections and fears in the emails before the client can even muster them up in their own minds! Steph delivers everything on time and creates emails that convert at really high rates! She’s a dream to work with!” 

“I now constantly get my ideal clients who actually are more than willing to tell me lots about their wedding day vision on their inquiry form because they feel they know me already from my website copy. 

There’s no difference in my copy and how I am as a person. Steph captured that perfectly and knew how to say everything to attract my clients! I owe her everything!”

- Marissa Manzanares, Dallas Wedding Photographer


Not to mention, 2/9 of people who received the emails joined the membership! Steph was super personable, fun, and really easy to work with -- she made my launch emails 10x better and 20x less stressful!”

“I struggle with balancing "fluff" in emails with compelling sales points and I wanted to make sure copy was on point. After receiving Steph’s copy, I was THRILLED! I felt like the emails contained exactly what I wanted to convey to my list.

They were story-driven, personable, and very well-written. The challenge and sales emails EASILY saved me at least 15-20 hours of time -- and they also allowed me more time/energy/space to focus on the other important details of the launch.